I’m passionate about helping you understand your body.

Meet Mariella

I grew up in Cape Town and went to the german school (fun fact: my mother language is German). I was always competitive, and had my fingers in many pies when it came to sports (although none of them had to do with endurance). My first love was horse riding. I did this for many years until I started surfing when I was in my mid–teens.

I started running when my dad had a spare entry for a popular half marathon in Cape Town and I decided to join him. - it was a long 2h15 minutes or so and my legs certainly felt the effort the next day. But needless to say I loved the day and it was a contributing factor in deciding to study BSc Sport Science at Stellenbosch University (2011-2013).

I was running during my studies but was plagued by injuries, due to doing too much too soon. This meant I was not able to be very consistent. In this time I was also doing lifesaving at LLandudno Surf, which is where I got very involved in competitions and managed to win the national long run title multiple times.

Towards the end of my undergraduate degree I found my love and interest in nutrition and the effects it has on our bodies- especially in the context of sport. This then led me to go on to study BSc (med) honors in Nutrition and Dietetics at the University of Cape Town.

This is when I started my triathlon journey.

A friend of mine was doing a local 70.3 and I thought he was crazy!- I wanted an ‘in’ and decided to enter for the following year- Not owning a bike, ever having ridden in cleats, no wetsuit and blissfully unaware of what I had just signed up for.

My first two 70.3’s were self coached but I wanted to step it up and this is when I got a coach in 2015, during my community service year in Grahamstown (Eastern Cape, SA).

The following years I steadily kept improving and came 2nd in the 25-29 age group at world champs in Port Elizabeth South Africa 2018.

I decided to take the plunge and turn professional in 2019 because I want to race the best and push myself to become the best triathlete I can be. I came second at my Pro debut at Ironman 70.3 Japan 2019 and qualified for Ironman world champs 2019 Nice where i placed in the top 35 pro females. (Results since then: 2nd Pro at IM 70.3 East London 2021, 5th Pro at IM 70.3 Gdynia Poland, 2nd lady at Cape Ultra 2022. )

I have a passion for helping people become their best-whether that be in sport or helping them fuel their body in a well balanced and sustainable way. I am currently coaching and working with individuals both locally and internationally, helping them to reach their full potential.

I can help.

Regardless of where you are at and how fast you go, you need to fuel your body.

Many people think that fueling is only for those that are going for the win.

It doesn’t have to be complicated

Feeling your body well can be simple. I teach you how to make it easy. No gimmicks

Consistency is key

What you do regularly will bring about the biggest changes. No extremes, diets or detoxing. I will teach you easy, sustainable ways of fueling that last a lifetime